Full Version: who wants to do lunch?
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c'mon, i am buying.
sure, if it's in Midtown.
This is so pathetic, you jealous little man.
hellooooooooooooooo? anyone for lunch?
I am blocking your PMs now Arpi, I didn't read the last 4 you sent, anything you need to say to me, say it on the board. Better yet, don't say it at all.
...isn't it a litte early for lunch? :clueless:
i could go for some lunch, maybe a nice club sandwich
How does Italian sound?
Someone wake me up when we're back to normal

I'd seriously like to meet Arpi for lunch one day - it could be fun!
Quote:I'd seriously like to meet Arpi for lunch one day - it could be fun!
compared to a slipped disk, yes