Full Version: galts sig
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as creator of this thread, i declare the voting to be over. pedro's mri is the winner. as getting said mri might be a problem, i will allow a substitute mri with a tag claiming it to be pedros. we will all pretend that the tag is the truth.
the people have spoken. dont be afraid of democracy. are you going to spit in the face of all those soldiers dying for your freedom by not accepting the democratic process into your heart? i think not american!
I just voted for duffman, so it is a tie now.
too late. i closed the vote.
I could delete your post and make it look like you didn't.
Arpi double voted.
I say meet in the middle and keep the crypty sig and all is well.

Anyway, Galt's genius doesn't lie with what his sig is but his words, he needs not some pictorial representation to show his genius. Anyway what picture could show such genius, besides maybe crypty.
i voted for duffman
I would put a picture of a giant brain, but Arpi's already got that picture.
Quote:I could delete your post and make it look like you didn't.
wouldnt be the first time a vote got fucked with on this board. pedros mri won, plain and simple. fucking revisionists!
i voted mri
Duffman it is.
I nulled my vote. :thumbs-up:
fucking cheater! :angry:
i bet i won the last mod vote by a landslide. :-(
Duffman means; Pedro's MRI in spanish, so you just confused us vato's.
lies, all lies!
Come on esse, cut the vato.

But I don't wanna cut the vato... ::whimpers::

such a great movie.
Quote:i vote for DIG's sig idea
Make it 3 :thumbs-up:
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