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I tried.

It almost killed him. :-(
Dude, I can't breathe...

Breathe for me little budd....
:lookatme: quick.... someone get the paddles!!!!!!

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>CLEEEEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........</span>
We've lost him. :-(

<bgsound src="">
I heard Nesquik tastes better ON WEED
dude, I said "bud" hehehe. :fuggin:
Quote:I heard Nesquik tastes better ON WEED

Enhancement smoker.
... sweet fucking Christ, that scared the shit out of me...
ok, that was really loud :crackhead:
that was the funniest thing I heard all day.
So you're alive?

Maybe my EKG thinger is just broken.
I wish to submit a resolution banning the usage of any alarm or alarm-like .wav objects in threads during our wartime footing......
Your proposition has been submitted for review and summarily denied.
... I request funding for a special interest group so that I may draft a new resolution, amended as such that we can come to a compromise on this matter, which I feel is gravely important to the security of the members on the board.
This aint no fucking democracy
... I am reviewing your proposal at the present time....
Here... perhaps this briefcase full of money will accelerate the review process.
We all know you broke ass hippies dont have no money.
we should put explosion .wavs in all the war threads
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