Full Version: my new plan
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is to quit and masturbate for getting rid of myself.
I like masturbating to myself
Gimme a hello before you go, pal. Undecided
I would, but there is no smilie waving with only one hand.....

hi danked.
You're free to go.
I might finish on your sig pic...
that tongue is a tempting target.
Quote:I would, but there is no smilie waving with only one hand.....

[Image: 85565.gif]
At least take me to dinner first!

Or I'll settle for lunch.
its nice to see you boys talking about something other than me. :thumbs-up:
I named my wee wee Arpi.
OK Ken's Plan V.3.0 I will drive drusilla from the board.....
then eat a bag of cheetos.
what did i do?
your name was on the user list......
you became a typical random son of a bitch.
Damn, i thought i actually did something