Full Version: Gay Porn Bomb Site - What is it?
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I wish to be mean to someone. Thanks.
Quickly ...they're online now awaitng my wrath...
didn't you get pissed off once when someone posted it and you trusted it enough to click it?
I will answer no questions til mine is answered
You are all worthless.
remember when your phone rang and you thought it was a hacker because of the gay porn site?

I still laugh at you because of that.

Go to Yahoo:
Type in quotes: "Hey everybody, I'm looking at gay porno"
hit search
It'll bring up a bunch of sites.
I knew it! You have become what you once despised, DIG
I was but a newborn in the internet community in those days. My knowledge grows exponentially as should your fear of the New Internet Order we at Godly Corp are creating.
i await your delicious new internet order!
do you want fries with that
*akward silence*

Ok, moving on...