Full Version: What stupid things have you done? (re:ducks maybe?
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Karl Kani was the shit back then, all the white kids wore Gap. White clothing lines don't sympathize with the fat man, the brothers understand us though.
Plenty of fat brothers are pulling good ass

I credit the clothing
In africa to have girth is a sign of opulence.

what did he just say?

He said: in africa, fat people got loot.
Look at Biggie, or Heavy D
I trusted someone.
Lets see i was 18 years old on my way home from school. and i decided to race a buddy home. He had a 79 lincoln and i had an 86 olds cutlass. well i was winning the race until i lost control around an "S" turn and ended up smack dab in some old lady's front yard. Tore up all the shrubbery and took a few shingels off the house. By far the dumbest thing i've down to date.
Quote:By far the dumbest thing i've down to date.

Is that the condensed version of the story?? lol :moonie:
:poke: :poke:
I threw away my MP3 player because the battery died and while the green light was on like it was charging, the thing would never turn on, so I bought a few hundred on another one, and the exact same fucking thing happened. I kept meaning to bring it back for a repair but it just sat there on the shelf collecting dust. About three months later, I realized that I just had the "lock" on and that's why neither of them would turn on.
Quote:Karl Kani was the shit back then

i still want an old school cross colors "love see no color" t-shirt. i never found one dammit!
Or the levi's "button your fly" t-shirt.
I wanted those levis three legged jeans from the SNL sketch
i have never done anything stupid
That post proves otherwise
well, reading this thread counts as foolish, reading your reply might be stupid tho...
Your wit is as sharp as a butter knife
when i was 7, we had these square cubby hole looking things on the side of our staircase at my parents house. me and my sister used to take our pillow cases and stick out feet inside them and slide down the stairs like their were sleds. my insane parents let us do it, only now do i realize their negligence. well one day i decided to try and stick my head between one of those cubby holes and got my head stuck inside of it.

the fire department had to come over and saw me out of the staircase and the whole neighborhood was in my living room laughing at me like i was at the gallows.
When we were kids and stayed over at my cousin's house, we used to love when my aunt left to go to the store and left us alone for awhile. As soon as they hopped into the car, we would take her bean bag chairs and line them up against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. Then we'd pull the mattress off her bed, take it to the top of the stairs, and slide down on it to the bottom. It was fuckin' great.

They're moving to a new house soon. I'll never get a chance to do it again. Undecided
Quote:well one day i decided to try and stick my head between one of those cubby holes and got my head stuck inside of it.
Rolleyes chripes... even at 7 his head was huge...
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