Full Version: 101st airborne division attacked by terrorists
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Just saw it on fox news.

Seems it happened in kuwait, their leadership tent was attacked by gunfire and grenades.

10 were injured and 6 are critical.
Now a car bomb went off in North Iraq.

2 journalists are dead and 9 soldiers are injured.

The majority injured in kuwait were officers in a communicatitions tent.
Send a fucking nuke...NOW
We bombed Iran by accident.

Who's lookin?
An American soldier and two Kuwaiti translators travelling with the 101st are currently being held as suspects...
Line that traitor up and shoot him.
An American soldier was detained as a suspect, the Army said.

That is just fuckin sad, probably a fuckin anti-war "waa waa the war is wrong".
Looks like more bad news. A U.S. Patriot missile may have shot down a British Royal Air Force plane that was reported missing near Kuwait on Sunday, U.S. and British officials said.

I think things are gonna start getting bad now, as we move closer to center of Baghdad. It's been pretty "easy" so far but I doubt to think that saddam, someone as sinister as him didn't leave atleast one suprise. His biggest fear is to end up like Milosevic in front of a world tribunal.

Like Hitler feared ending up like Mussolini and saw that the war was unwinable for him. He started buring Germany rather than let the allies have it, what did he have to lose? His future was certain to him, Hitler did it out of sick love for germany, Saddam has no love and doesn't care about his people. I wouldn't be surprised and am actually more frightened that the city may be rigged already, just awaiting our troops enterance.

Then again, I know our commanders of armed services have thought of this but still.
Iran was bitchin that missles went into their country...if they would let us use their country as a staging point we'd be a shit ton closer to bagdad and they wouldn't have to worry about missles going into their airspace.
A missle that was reported to be American was actually Iraqi, after some Iranian investigation.

It's difficult enough to even talk to Iran about anything, since the US must speak through a Swiss middle man in order to say anything to Iran. the US refuses to directly speak to Iran regarding anything, ever since the shah was overthrown and Iran took hostages. Using Iran as a base is simply not an option.
WTF? Now we just crashed a helicopter in Afghanistan. What the fuck is going on?
Allah is helping them.
Jeez it's like 90% of the casualties in this war will be attributed to stupid shit. Helicopters crashing, our own troops killing eachother, us oopsing on our own missiles.

In an interesting piece of info, the american soldier who killed and injured his own fellow troops, is a muslim by the name of Assan Akbar. That's a real smart move, don't let gays in the military but let muslims in, good thinking.
Now, I'm listening to Peter Jennings on the phone with one of the parents of the POWs, and Peter is making her cry on the air. And now he's releasing her personal info.
Yeah I saw them do that last week, when the first field casualty happened. Jennings had the mother of the kid who was killed on the phone, I was honestly disgusted. Leave the poor woman alone, she just lost her son.
Dan Rather > Peter Jennings