Full Version: FUCKING WHORE!
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You must go off and find you funny again grasshopper, worked for me. I am a rip roaring riot again, the funny is just oozing out of my ass now.
clown hat squiggley line colon cancer smiley face
I just need to clear my weed.

Using my away messages isn't good enough, you have to figure out the funny for yourself and not by what I judge it to be.
try using the word vagina for effect
"sweaty" vagina
colon rofl colon
semicolon colostomy bag
colon emoticons fucking rule when done this way colon
It's funny, right?

I done good, right?
colon bouncer colon
It was funny till keyser and moron got their grubby paws on it.
colon fuckoff colon
comedy kryptonite

I'll probably just pay it I guess, colon shrug colon
Using a joke against you for you is never a good idea
says you

And my opinion is the only one that matters

Now stop doing it
colon tongue out colon
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