Full Version: If you were marijuana...
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Pages: 1 2
blow your smoke East, do your part for the war effort :thumbs-up:
now thats just plain mean
who? what?
im sorry
Quote:I'm smoking a fresh bowl. Here's to those without.

that sounded like a "ha ha im smoking and youre not"
i think it wuz
i think its in the guys pocket that is in the bahamas...
I'd be giving myself a panic attack.
it won't be so bad if you just practice some more :banana:
its on a plane back from the bahamas
If you were marijuana...where would you be hiding right now? Undecided

i'd be in my lungs... :fuggin: ....chilling out with some hash Confusedmokey:

cant do any better than that :21:
hello, can I help you with something :11:
Pages: 1 2