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I wasn't lying on the ground, I was slumped out the car and shit but not on the ground. I was too much for the weed, it wanted to destroy me cause it feared me.

4:20 4 life and shit!!!

I wish I was hot like I used to be, maybe Danked would finally accept me.
For Christ's sake danked read a book. Oedipus Rex was an ancient Greek tragedy about a guy who grows up away from his parents and one day after a bunch of shit and prophecies kills his dad and then goes back to his home town and marries his mom.
Thanks for the fuckin revelation, you should take over for cliff's notes.

Are you saying I wanna fuck my mother?

No, see....

Have you seen my mother?

You aren't understand....

You sick fuck!!!!!!!

I can't even call my mother anymore!!!!
It was just a little joke....

By the way you're post count is 12345...I find that amusing for some reason...
You never dissapoint tomato boy, thats why I would never abuse you like that bastard, moron.
Gonzo is so cute when he's mad
I did this thead MONTHS AGO,
same fucking title,

I will peruse the dusty pages for the proof......

I made the first eggplant joke as well.

and I ran off seph.
you can have the eggplant story.
but I might delete it in a year.
I was never embarassed by that one, t'was my greatest achievement.
my standards are higher.
if your standards were a basketball hoop, grumpy could dunk on it.
Wait, I'm confused, did you mother at least give you some hand release?
No, she just laughed.

That was all.

Just laughed....

She just prepared me I guess for the reaction every woman would have to my penis.
Quote:For Christ's sake danked read a book.
Quote:It was just a little joke....
But thanks for the explanation, jackass.
Oedipus Rex was a real play...
Yes... keep talking... I'm so uninformed... I'm learning lots of new and interesting information from you...
I read all 3 books before you had hair on your schmekel.
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