Full Version: Don't you fuckin hate...
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I remember cowboy, he's good peoples.
i hate bookmarks :-D
I hate sweaty guys faces in porn.
you like sweaty guy arse?
Yeah cause I am gay, I love the cock.
gonzo beat ronin to the line...

and what is a quote button? you mean this "?
I would like to see Tricia's friend in a porno :thumbs-up:
Soon enough, dear Sleeper, soon enough...

The acting thing didn't go so well, now we only wait for the waitress gig to fully break her spirits.
If julee was a big black chick, sleeper would be all over that shit like griffey junior.
I would break out the rosin bag for Julee
there is only one woman for me.
Quote:If julee was a big black chick, sleeper would be all over that shit like griffey junior.

.400 BA - Ted "Sleeper" Williams
That's one of the worst photoshop jobs ever, weird has much prettier titties than that....uhh

so I hear?
it was given to me as a gift,

and I graciously accepted.
what's with all the spots on the boobies?

Look like they were taken off a leopard.
I am hoping she will be so shocked by these,
she will send a pic of the real deal to defend herself.
I don't see any spots... :-D
Fuck you Ken. I really thought that you would have been above this, gift or not. Thanks for backing me up.
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