Full Version: Want the US out of the UN?
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H. R. 1146

Contact your Representative and tell them to support that bill.
Fucking hippie. Why don't you go get high or something?
Yeah cause public opinion always sways politics.
Just passing it along since you won't see any real mention of it in the news.

Bills similar to this get introduced often (and probably by the same Representative). There are a lot of Americans who don't like the UN and haven't for a very long time.

But this time it just might get enough support. The attempted foot dragging on Saddam showed how useless and willing to back tyrants it really is.

They didn't step in with Vietnam, either when France went back to run it as part of their empire or after France pulled up stakes and left them to civil war.
They didn't do anything against Pol-Pot other than do nothing resolutions, leaving communist Vietnam to be the ones who stepped in to save the Cambodians.

I doubt the UN would stay around if the US wasn't there to back them every time they wanted to do something. If we pulled out I'm sure a lot of other countries would follow. We would still have the same friends as we already do.

The main problem with it is that it wasn't (officially) intended to be a world governing body, but there are those who are trying to make it into that. By doing so they remove all member's autonomy. Since the break up of the USSR the extremist wings have too much say. I don't want to be ruled by anyone I can't vote for (and yes, treaties can override our Constitution).

BTW, this was introduced by a Texas Rep. Ron Paul, I think his name is.
Vietnam was an unjust war that no one had any buiness getting involved in. Vietnam was just the zenith of america trying to swing its big dick around the world.
I think the UN needs to be reformed, not removed.
Damn hippies
Quote:Fucking hippie. Why don't you go get high or something?

Huh? How does that make him a hippie?

And what the fuck is wrong with getting high?

/sigh Ignint dick.
Quote:Ignint dick
Support Ron Paul. He's a great American who could save this country from ruin.

The UN does nothing for anyone, but itself. It is a bureaucratic monster that should be slain.
The UN is a US created enitity created to make a world slated playing field to our favor. The minute it doesn't go in our favor, everyone gets up in arms. Honestly, it should be removed. But it's beauracratic abyss was created and kept going by us b/c it did our bidding.
Quote:I doubt the UN would stay around if the US wasn't there to back them every time they wanted to do something.
I disagree. The UN would stick around seeing as we, the US, decided to go against them and start a war. I mean, call me a hippie, but I thought the UN existed so that the nations of the world could combine and created or convert the world to a happy place that we can all live in.

Quote:The main problem with it is that it wasn't (officially) intended to be a world governing body, but there are those who are trying to make it into that.
Well, why the fuck not? We are not getting anywhere (peacefully) without it.

Quote:I think the UN needs to be reformed, not removed.
I, whole-heartedly, agree. Because right now they suck at what they do, which in my opinion should be to dispute the differences that countries have with each other and come to a resolution quickly.

Quote:The UN is a US created enitity created to make a world slated playing field to our favor. The minute it doesn't go in our favor, everyone gets up in arms. Honestly, it should be removed. But it's beauracratic abyss was created and kept going by us b/c it did our bidding.
So again, I agree with Keyser. To create a , or reform the, coalition of Nations to solve all of our worldy problems.

So does anyone know how to go about this? Cause I'm stunned.

Disclaimer: Althought it all makes sense to me now, I am indeed drunk.
yes, like in iraq.

after this conflict is settled, america needs to take a lesser and more equal role and not try to run the whole thing.