Full Version: Because Arpi is Selfish....
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I had to sit through "Movin' Out" instead of seeing Man of La Mancha......

the heartless bastard.
Awwww.. Poor Baby.

Maybe you can shell out the few extra bucks and see the good one next time.
Because Arpi is selfish,

I didn't get to meet Keyser at the big outing.
That Damn Arpi...I bet he thinks you're ripping him off in this thread too...
Because Apri is selfish, most members can only have 2 or 3 lines of status,
so he might have his tolstoy novel.
In arpi's mind, god ripped him off. on the whole not taking his name in vain, having other gods before him, the whole "don't steal my gimmick, I am better than you" deal.
gonzo speaks the truth.