Full Version: This is to make it official.....
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Quote:CRX will be my board woman...

everyone else keep yer grubby mitts off.
well she didn't seem to mind me touching her. in fact i believe she enjoyed my touching multiple times the other day. as always ken, you're still the big loser. have a nice day :thumbs-up:

Edited By crack hitler on 1049240799
Hmmmm.... I'm willing to bet that should be something thats kept between the two of you.
Did anyone else just have an Alkey flashback when Crack posted that?
i know i did
Quote:Hmmmm.... I'm willing to bet that should be something thats kept between the two of you.
i gave her a backrub after she worked a double, get your stoney head out of the gutter. geez

Edited By crack hitler on 1049241790
I wonder if Julee works double shifts and needs a backrub.
get in line fuzzy head
Before you editted it looked a little more like she enjoyed your tongueing rather than your touching.
Quote:get in line fuzzy head
it is too bad you cut off the ponytail or i would have had a comeback
actually i think i said toughing, which can be fun as well :thumbs-up:
freudian slip?
Quote:it is too bad you cut off the ponytail or i would have had a comeback
yeah i miss it too, Hell at the moment i am almost as fuzzy as you
Quote:Hell at the moment i am almost as fuzzy as you
HAHAHA you look like Butters
Quote:it is too bad you cut off the ponytail or i would have had a comeback

poor sleeper, he tries so hard
Quote:HAHAHA you look like Butters

well you cut my hair so if i look retarded it fall on your shoulders
[Image: butters2.jpg]
Quote:well you cut my hair so if i look retarded it fall on your shoulders
It was not my cutting that did it, it's just in that awkward in between phase. Find your hat!
someone took some cranky pills.....
I wonder....
if when he is touching her.....
she is moaning my name.....
who's touching who? last i knew there was laundry strewn about. shit, once again, I know nothing. :-(
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