Full Version: if any of you hurt him.......
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All I need now is for Metal to come along

And tomorrow when this thread is forgotten 2 tired will be sure to post something good

Saddest part is you are probablly sitting there giggling like a school girl
Quote:And tomorrow when this thread is forgotten 2 tired will be sure to post something good
so true. always a day late and a dollar short.
Genius at work
Quote:mad and cooper probably think they are being really funny right no.

Look i was only welcoming home the genius. You don't have to go attacking me for being a good guy.
Pat's a-ok in my book

It's Mad who is the trouble maker
Quote:ill be enjoying pretty young women in bikini's all summer long at my beach house. today is opening day, baseball is back baby.
i wanna go :lookatme:
I bet if Hybrid went he'd get all the chicks and Keyser would be sitting there all alone
So if I post now will it upset you? Wait I know the answer...if I post at all it'll upset you cause I'm unoriginal and unfunny...
I would've laughed if you had posted that tomorrow
Timing is everything in humor...Damn it...I guess I have to go back to the drawing board...
Quote:if I post at all it'll upset you cause I'm unoriginal and unfunny...
at least 2 tired now sees himself as we see him.
It's acctually not a bad gimmick

But you have to be consistent

If he only always posted one day after a thread started
I'll work on it...I want to be accepted by Arpi and his crew... :thumbs-up:
Quote:I want to be accepted by Arpi and his crew...
i dont think it can happen but gomez seems to have faith in you. i leave you in his hands
It would be original and unique and would make you stand out

But the post have to have some spice to them, some life, don't worry about feelings just lash out. Ladi is a good place to start, she can't really fight back anyway
Can I have like 90 things added to my status too?
On second thought start with Baker, he's even easier than Ladi
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