Full Version: Posting Hall of Fame - Fuck the polls....
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I will concede that point to Keyser.
i don't

you are just bitter b/c he banned your cranky ass. :-o
you proved my point eloquently.
Quote:SLASH lost interest when the cards were not stacked his favor. He was worthless as a member, he could only play as a mod.
very true

you forgot an H

the people who are supporting buttmunch are proof positive as to why he doesnt deserve it.
he would be the first choice in the "can find ass pics on the web" hall of fame, but not here.
Quote:you proved my point eloquently.

jaded prick. :loveya:
:loveya: too!
waaaaa Slash banned me and now I hold an eternal grudge against him waaaa
:rofl: OMG.... slipper, if you'd have been wearing a CB-GB's shirt when you posted that, i'd have never been able to tell the difference.... brav-o :thumbs-up:
he had far too much underground cred to successfully pull off a poseur such as myself.
Slash wasn't HA HA wacky funny, he was more of an intelligent funny and in my opinion one of the best posters any board has ever seen.

Any list without Hybrid is no list at all.
Quote:he had far too much underground cred to successfully pull off a poseur such as myself.
...hence why he would have needed the CB-GB's shirt to successfully imatate you Rolleyes
Yellow Discipline was good

That reminds me, who was Carol?
Quote:Slash wasn't HA HA wacky funny, he was more of an intelligent funny and in my opinion one of the best posters any board has ever seen
If you need to be reminded of slash's genius just remember the final funny of a once fabled board.



seriously, i fell off my chair with that one.
That was one of those "I wish I posted such genius" deals.
Quote:Any list without Hybrid is no list at all.

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