Full Version: you people are mean!
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...i honestly didn't think you'd care for my opinion, so i didn't bother giving it...
fn, i would love to hear it.
Quote:you even added a cdih sign. its like everytime i look at it i see something new. good job!
thanks buddy! i can always count on you! :thumbs-up:
hedcold has a bronzed statue of arpi's shit on his desk at home.
put the dancing banana in the field...
you leave hedcold alone, you big bully! :angry:
Quote:you people are mean!
Quote:fn, i would love to hear it.
well, since you asked so nicely...

i actually like it... a very original idea... i especially like that you kept a grainy look on the jumbo-tron... it definately gives it a realistic effect... the cdih billboard is also a nice touch, but it is kinda obvious that there was some photoshopping done to that... it almost stands out too much, making it overly obvious... perhaps if you had somehow changed the "HESS" logo to read CHIH, or something like that, that wouldn't have been so blatant... but on the whole, i must say i like it... on a scale of 1-10, i'd give it a 9.675 :thumbs-up:
meh, its a 7. hedcold is such a kiss ass.
thank you Fn.
keyser, you are a bitter little man
at least im honest, hedcold is nothing but your sycopant.
sycophant. Rolleyes
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