Full Version: Best Poster - Eastern Semifinals
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Pages: 1 2 3
by milliseconds!!!! you are a machine!!!!
yeah but you are the prettiest.
not pretty enough to be best poster Undecided
Quote:I could get all the votes in the world but knowing baker isn't voting for me stings my soul.

For this and the fact that I no longer see goatweeds name I have voted for you!

Now can I have a really big stupid ass status like Arpi's?

Not even my own brother voted for me. I must suck big time.
I like Wal-Mart chicken...
Quote:Best Poster, Eastern Semifinals

Are you going to have a Western Semifinals? I think I could win that one... :-D
Quote:For this and the fact that I no longer see goatweeds name I have voted for you!

Baker :loveya:
Hybrid got robbed.
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