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you sure do bitch about the way i post all of the time. it was funny at first but now its getting old. move on
my favorite thing was when arpi was away for a week
Naturally, everyone assumes I'm already winning.

I'm losing. Vote for me.
whackbagkid needs a tip-in at the buzzer
yeah i do Undecided
Quote:FNMoron? Are you people serious? I haven't seen such a glaring mistake since Dukakis.'re still pissed that i got more votes than you, huh :lol:
WBK gets in and sleeper doesn't?

i thought you were my nikkuh :-(
I am like a screamo band, underappreciated in my time but everyone will be on my cock 3 years after I'm gone.
yeah, just like those guys on the gay porn box cover you said you want?
voting will not be closed until I am in the lead.
good strategy
.... Sleeper is too negative about life... and too straight edge... and too crazy...
yeah he is a little crazy but that's not a bad thing, unless he's swinging a bar stool at me again.
I'll protect you.

You just stand behind me.
My 8 votes will protect me, someone vote for ken though, so he can beat arpi.
my invisible hand is too busy jerking me off to win this contest
Quote:voting will not be closed until I am in the lead.

i don't think we have enough active members for that to ever happen...
<---------Still has no intention of casting a vote. :burnfucker: (© 2 Tired 2 Give N F in association with Blatent Rip Off Productions)
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