Full Version: I'm off to work
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Makes you wish hitler had a tad more time to knock off a few more.
he did the best he could, considering the circumstances. Noone is perfect.

I hope that guy really hates the movie he rented, too - it would only make him feel worse for spending $4+ on a movie that sucked.
He rented soft core porn.

Married People, Single Sex... THE RETURN!!!!!
i bet its better than those stupid red shoe diary craps
He had just returned it, thats what he was arguing about. The fact that we charge tax on late fees. He returned red shoes diares "the caged bird", so fancy.
there's like no nudity in those. i felt so ripped off
he didn't understand that you charge tax on late fees? what fuckin' orld does this guy live in? you pay tax on everything!!

mrs. goat watches those red show diaries on Showtime every now and then, and I always make fun of her - that's gotta be some of the corniest programming ever produced.
I saw one on skinemax once, after 15 minutes I wanted to slap everyone who gets so hard up about these films. If you want porn just get real fuckin porn. There's a porn shop around the corner from us, get "ass banging cum whores volume 37" and do it right.
or just download it and avoid the rental fees as well as the walk to return it.
Or maybe troll out and find a real woman.
nah, then you gotta hear their bullshit, feed them...fuck that - too much baggage.
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