Full Version: I just saw - Father Time
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I admit it GW. The last month hasn't been fun. Rewarding, but not fun.
so yer buying?
Quote:Thanks. Been a bit busy for the last month.
going through his henny goodman gag book for new board material and trading war stories with Tim Johnson
so i ask if he's buying and he leaves
okay, i'll buy the jack and coke

i soon think Arpi and Ken will fight for OASz love
OAS was deep in the trenches of the cola wars of the 80's.
was he blindfolded?
No, he was discharged after his ingenius idea to change the recipe for the original coke.
suprised he got out alive after that fiasco
OAS sank my battleship.
was it the browser wars of 94?
At his age changing his underwear is a war.
you mean diaperz?
sorry old chap :23:
zzzzzzzz 4
sorry folx
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