Full Version: I want you all to know... - WARNING... Sentimental Post Ahead
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:she's not really the pity type
[Image: 1034656748_icturesEMO.JPG]
Well, for what it's worth, you're okay in my book.
Quote:There is not a single member on this board that I hate. This includes Arpi and Hybrid.
the fact that you felt that you had to single me out like that makes me want to smack you in the face with a porcupine.

I just wanted to point out that though we may seem to hate eachother, I hate no one.
How's your health?
i dont hate jack. i actually really like him. most of the time. i just enjoy pushing his buttons and making him my bitch cause its so easy
My health is great. Thanks for asking pal. :loveya:
rumors are you're going to die soon
Pish Tosh. I am in great health.

(You didn't hire a hit man did you? Undecided )

I knew I shouldnt have done the Music Exchange.
no, just rumors.... :16:
I hear you're gonna' live forever... :6:
Pages: 1 2