Full Version: A huge FUCK YOU to.....
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The worthless fucking dothead apu's that come into my store and try to haggle over the price of tv's and dvd players!!! This is America!! We don't worship cows we fucking eat them and wear their skin!! Then we take baby cows and keep them penned up in little cages so they stay nice and tender when we eat them!!!
everyone a round of applause, TFEC hath returned.

KKK :5:
apu's, priceless! :5:
Atleast he's being current with his racist bantering, he's come out of the era of "white's only" drinking fountains and updated his hatred for the non-whites of the world, hatred version 8.0.
It's not their fault that your store charges too much.
I bet he voted for bush cause he's from texas and they hate niggers.
The worst part about Indans tying to get a deal is they always use the same method...

I bring 7 of my cousins to buy at same price if you make deal.
yeah, i hate when that happens!
i think gooch hacked his account. he's been breathing life into long dead posters for weeks now.
my next one is Keyser. :13:
I believe that deserves either a "SNAP!" or a "ZING!" but I can't decide which.
ZOOM!!!!! :5: