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Who is he? Where'd he come from? Why does he only have 3 posts? I need answers man! :15:
some questions are better left unanswered...
Damn it Goat... :twak: now he' ran him off the board...don't let anyone take credit for it but you...
I didn't even notice that he was logged in - he flies really low under the radar.

So how you doin'? bout yourself?
same, tryin' to get through the morning. Mondays are usually the worst and today is no exception.

It looks like it's gonna be a great day outside, I'm thinkin' of going to the park on my lunch hour :fuggin:
That sounds cool...I'm gonna go play pool at 11...
I'm much better at watching people play pool than actually playing pool - ask Jays :-(

I wish there was a poolhall downtown, I'd have a place to hang. There's nothing to do and nowhere to go around here.
Poolhalls back home cost way too much money...down here I can play with 3 friends for 4 hours for like $20. Back home that'll cost me like $60.
I'd love to buy one and have it at home, but they're too expensive and I'd once I got bored with it, I'd probably never play it again. They look really nice, though.
I had this crazy idea for a custom table...picture this...white felt, and clear balls that in the center have the different colors but done with neon glow paint, the table it's self is jet black and then the final lights instead of regular lights above...
It sounds cool, but I think the white felt wouldn't stay white for very long. Green felt is hard enough to maintain.

The clear balls sound really cool though
we could make the felt like those pants Dockers has with the stain guard...
He's no *A*
That's true Gonzo...he's got 3 posts...

I had another idea for my table...what if we used that blue felt they have and had it treated with some phospherous or something from that family of gases...then it would also glow under the black light bulbs...
i still don't know how *A* didn't win that poll