Full Version: holy shit!
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Baker learned a word in class today :5:
I am far past everyone in my class. The funny part is all the other people in my class are ether black or try to hard to act black.
Quote:I am far past everyone in my class.

:disappointed: I figured by now you'd at least not leave yourself wide open like that
And you feel left out and cry about it at night, right?
Quote: I figured by now you'd at least not leave yourself wide open like that

Did you not see the Yo Jack thread?
Don't make excuses, fix your problem and move on
You wanna be fixed?
You're hopeless
I try.
That makes it even sadder
[Image: gomez.gif] Will you fuck me?

Edited By Baker on 1050546938
Good job doofus
I know you are insanely jealous of my fantastic title but you ain't gettin one
Make it stop.
I give up.

For now!
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