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You afraid of blacks?
Quote:does she have a pickup truck?
no, but she wore a klan outfit to le figaro.
not racism, profiling....
I just wanted to know if there was a KFC near The Jays.

Paranoid, fuck.
Is there a Taco Bell near Silera?
... I'm not black...
Quote:I just wanted to know if there was a KFC near The Jays
there is, actually - lucky bastard!

There's an Airbags and Radios R' Us.
oh shit, there is... but theres no blacks around here except on school days...
howd you know i have a pickup? :19:
Cuz' tits that big always sag.

Anywho, I don't have a pickup. It would be funny if I did though. Me, driving around newark in my pickup, sticking my elbow out the window :rofl:
Flat chested, pickup driver.
I almost got rear ended on Pennsylvania Avenue today by two sistahs who didn't think it was so smart for the honky to stop to let an ambulance go by. I also had a soft spot for the latter seasons of Good Times
Quote:Anywho, I don't have a pickup.
a racist and a compulsive liar :17:
Vote her off the island.
I just worry about my buddy Hedcold. He seems to be getting in with the wrong crowd :33:
People from Newark have shifty eyes.
ouch, that was below the belt.
Not that eye, silly.
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