Full Version: Do the Jews Still Mourn? - It's been over 2000 years but...
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Pages: 1 2
needs more cowbell
keyser killed it. thank you everyone. shows over.
In honor of Good Friday. I say we nail another Jew to a cross.

Arpi is my first choice. Any others?
Jesus loves you... everyone else thinks you're an Asshole.
keyser is now resorting to posting bumper stickers. kudos to you sir!
Honk if you're horny
If DIG's posting career was a VH1 Behind the music, that Mary Magdeline bunny cloth post would have been right at about minute 40 as his career started to tailspin
I don't care what they say. Cocaine is completely harmless. I'm in complete control.
Quote:I don't care what they say. Cocaine is completely harmless. I'm in complete control.

My fave bumpersticker is, "my kid kicked your honor student's ass"
Pages: 1 2