Full Version: I got ripped off today! - click for details
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i can't wait.
will you be joining us?
Ranch1 has to many porch monkeys for my liking.
remember when we went to sbarros?
WILL I?!!?!? :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer:
Quote:remember when we went to sbarros?
yea, too bad they had no vodka that night.
I'm sooo there
Eating meat on good friday - you are going to Hell. :disappointed: Jesus does not like gay sex.
remember when joobies and keyser spooned?
remember when we had an orgy with those girls sitting behind us?
yeah i do!
i thought you would!
How about you stop being a cheap bastard?

I just ate a $10 steak.
I have to stop at Wendy's on the way home to the Cape tonight so my moms and pops don't get all up in my grill for eating meat
maynard is going to be pissed when he finds out this thread isnt about me. it will destroy his argument that i am the focal point of the board.
It is sorta about you since I jewed down the price and you are a jew.
wbk put down his aol messenger long enough to have an orgy at the show?

Edited By Hybrid on 1050707902
i pay $675 a month to live in a huge apartment 15 mins outside NYC, whose the sucker now?
I freeload off that apartment anytime I want.

Who's the sucker now?
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