Full Version: Skittles Poll - Come on. Vote for Your Favorite
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Hey, Ladi was probably busy. Didn't want to disappoint Arpi
What? You weren't expecting anything more than pathetic drivel were you? Rolleyes
even emojack thinks this is awful

please leave the board forever
and you forgot orange. lame.
Quote:even emojack thinks this is awful

No... I just didn't see no Damn sour skittles listed. :35:
Quote:and you forgot orange. lame.
That's why these polls need to have the non-scientific findings disclaimer on them.
sour patch kids
Jelly Bellys.
anyone who voted in this poll should be banned instantly.
So you voted green Arpi. I had you pegged more red.
Quote:So you voted green Arpi. I had you pegged more red.
you are easily one of the most humor impaired people i have ever had the displeasure of coming across. did you really find that funny? how sad.
yeah, jesus christ, that was really bad
and there you have it. OAS's wit in action. actually i should say inaction since he could think of nothing clever and chose to post a lone emoticon. no surprise at all that he found the witty cupboard bare.

Why was this started?
Quote:and there you have it. OAS's wit in action. actually i should say inaction since he could think of nothing clever and chose to post a lone emoticon. no surprise at all that he found the witty cupboard bare.

I am so humbled knowing that Arpi is obsessed with critiquing every post I make. I might even need to put a little Hi Arpi emoticon in my sig to show my appreciation to him. And to think, some would consider him to be a stalker. Maybe he has the hots for me? :10: Sorry though Mr Karhu, I don't swing that way. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
gimmick theif
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