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:fuggin: :toast: :10:
Ladi, you shouldnt be within 500 miles of a thread called "thoughts".
Sneezing is cool because for that one split second you are in a completely different state of conciousness.
the previous post was not approved by the new lord and master of the pit. i demand that it be retracted!
I'd rather be rich than stupid.
then you have failed. HOO HOO! HEE HEE! HAR HAR!
Walk into a bar or some other social meeting place.
Find the most popular and talkative person there.
You have just found the biggest backstabber scumbag in the room.
CorporateLackey: best story ever im about to tell you..
deadlaughter2: ok go ahead
CorporateLackey: when i was at computer school there was this real hot i was buddy buddy with her but she had a man, so after we graduated we would email eachother keeping in touch and aftger about a yr she said she had broken up with him, well i waited to long to get the rebound..
CorporateLackey: and she started going out with some other dude
CorporateLackey: for like 2 yrs..
deadlaughter2: ok
CorporateLackey: well i email her 2day and it turns out this boyfriend fucking died in a car accident like 2 months ago!......
deadlaughter2: nice
CorporateLackey: haha so im sooo going for this rebound... i was like if you ever need ne1 to talk to and blah blah blah...gave her my #...such a good call
deadlaughter2: you're in
CorporateLackey: yup!
deadlaughter2: sweet
such a desperate attempt to have an active thread.
You posted. I win.
what does this have to do with pizza?
nothing, but I thoroughly enjoyed that AIM conversation.
Secrets make people intersting in the most uninteresting sort of way.
:loveya: :fuggin: :loveya:
Don't worry about what I'm doing. Just be thankful about what I'm not doing.
If there were pictures of dicks on road signs women would be better, more attentive drivers.
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