Full Version: Jesus was a black man - want proof ?
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He always called everyone brother,
and he couldn't get a fair trial.
Whitey hated him as well and no job either. What up with that?
The last supper consisted of fried chicken and watermelons.
he couldn't read.
He never got married.
He liked the gospel.
The last thing he asked for was a drink.
aren't we all his kids?
Our great great great great grandfather was an eggplant.
He was always in trouble with the law
He never had a permanent address
He "shined" people's feet.
He walked around barefoot.
He had a tail.
He created his very own religion.
He drank wine with every meal.
His mother was a whore.
his mother never knew who his father was.
This is my body, which will be given up for you.....*BURP*.... Do this in memory of me.
He was unemployed and had a gang.
So was he a nigger-jew or a jew-nigger, I'm confused?
You know what blows this theory out of the water?
He was executed by the state.
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