Full Version: Where did you learn to ride a bike
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Quote:I learned in 1st grade in the parking lot behind the apartment building we lived in. I haven't been on a bike in about 15 years, but I'd love to get another one. I'm afraid I'd only be able to go around in circles though.

Orange juice - definitely lots of pulp.

First cereal - probably corn flakes

Favorite gum - Carefree sugarless bubble gum

Toilet trained - when I was 2 -- had to be trained in order to go to nursery school.
the fact that you find this funny and have allied yourself with ladi proves my point beautifully.
Quote:the fact that you find this funny and have allied yourself with ladi proves my point beautifully.

<div align="center">:thumbs-up:</div>

I can only hope that one day I'm as cool as you. :loveya:
it will never happen. you are too stupid
Yes, you've mentioned that once or twice before. No need to be repetitive. :loveya:

Edited By Sweet Angel on 1051579697
Sweet, honey, nice to see you
it was getting to be such a sausage party in here
Glad to know SOMEONE appreciates me! :toast:
I can't remember when I learned to ride a bike, but I'm sure I was like 4 or 5. And, I'm sure I learned in a parking lot or in the street. There were no parks in "the ghetto".

BTW, I think it's kind of sad that some of you people didn't learn to ride a bike until 12 or 15 years old... I was riding a scooter/moped at 15, and even drove part time (w/ no license). It just reminds me how sheltered city people are from some things. Every kid should have a bike while still in the single digits. There should NOT be 10 guys selling drugs at the playground. GAWD I luv the suburban life.
you have no clue what city life is about. i never saw a drug dealer in a playground. and i lived in the city all my life. you have been watching too many movies on lifetime
You wouldn't know a drug dealer if one smacked you in the face, unless he smacked you in the face with his dick, and then you would only think he was your father.
it is laughable how wrong you are. when i indulged i used to go to some pretty nasty places at 3:30 in the morning. thre was one guy on 146th street that had this whole apartment but the only furniture was a glass table and a couch. the guy who opened the door never let go of a .45 and neither did the 2 guys on the couch. the guy at the glass table though was one funny dude.

thinking back on it , i was an idiot and am now glad those days are over.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1051634677
Pages: 1 2