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miss me?
i miss GIP
that sort of self satisfied post is better worn by arpi.
i did it long before Arpi ever cluttered this place. :21:
you feed at his idea trough daily.
he fed from my creative teat long before.
you can fit a LOT of creativity in those things.
gooch gets one good idea in 3 years and proceeds to run it into the ground like in 747 in a pennsylvania field.
when did you leave, Ken?
Wait goaty you didn't notice the lack of threads involving Lunch, ken declaring his love for men mascarading as women, or both?
Did you remember to bring me back a present?
I have a used trojan, (the yellow ribbed for her pleasure kind)

I can draw eyes and a nose and ears with a black magic marker,
It might pass as a Pluto finger puppet....

good enough?
Quote:I have a used trojan

He made you wear one this time i guess.
Quote:good enough?

:disappointed: no :disappointed: