Full Version: Impromptu Gathering - This Thursday night, 9pm
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[Image: litshop.jpg]
My boobs are not violent.
no, they are quite fine. :5:
i just wanted to cup the sides and gently squeeze them together. it was all i could think about while looking at you.
Damn. And I was hoping for some serious intellectual conversation.
i swear on all that is holy that next time i see you it is going to be the first thing i do.
<marquee> C :23: </marquee>
Do not grab me.
not grab, gently squeeze
no touching.
oh no, they are getting squeezed. they were begging for it!
:disappointed: Absolutely not, don't even try it. I'm not that kind of girl.
your boobs are though
As if you'll ever turn up again.
i will alway show up for your boobs. :thumbs-up:
Now I'm scared. Next time I won't bring them.
perfect! when the next gathering happens i will break into your home and play with them all night.
ok, you can touch my boobs whenever they are detached from my bosy. It's a deal.
Wait, that's an invitation to be hacked up. Never mind. No touching EVER!!
you will come home an dfind your boobs left out on the table, all greasy and man-handled...................oops! i just came. :2:
see, you don't need to really touch them. Just imagine they're there. In fact, picture them slightly perkier and make me a size 6.
Damn, now I'm gettin myself hot!
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