Full Version: HA HA HA!! i am rich and you are not!!!
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happy hour is on Arpi!
Quote:including a ridiculously large tip
what goes on after closing is your business :10:
Quote:happy hour is on Arpi!
2.50 pints of bud and budlite til 7:30 :thumbs-up:
where is this place?
When Fallon offers to buy everybody in the bar a round of drinks, you can lean over and say "I got this one, pal."
no way. never turn down a free one
C'mon... you could be all like "Put your money away, Jimmy... I know the album didn't sell that well."
fuck dat!
"Is Tina seeing anybody?"
she is married. :-(
"Oh... happily?"
yes :33:
"Is Horatio seeing anybody?"
"He's dead... couple of guys ganged up on him out back and stabbed him in his eyes."
yeah. let's do happy hour. I need a drink.
Quote:"He's dead... couple of guys ganged up on him out back and stabbed him in his eyes."
" :disappointed: "
" Colon Number 5 Colon "
" colon 7 colon" meanie
i watched horatio sanz do improv with the UCB a bunch of times and he was the worst one out of all of them.
oh, and tina fey was quite good.
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