Full Version: Basketball game, who is playing?
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you mean 6'5 arpi?
do you mean wing span of a condor arpi?
do you mean able to palm a basketball off the bounce arpi?
i think not
6'5" and skinny as a rail has no chance against 5'10" and built for rugby
you have a body built for rugby?

Even if I did fuck up my Damn knee playing it
I think me and wbk should just find a court outside and play one on one
Yeah might have been good to come to that realization before doing all this
gomez, real rugby? or ea sports rugby?
Real rugby, I hate that Damn EA game
did you play at maryland, for the club or whatever?
Quote:6'5" and skinny as a rail has no chance against 5'10" and built for rugby
1. i have a huge chance unless you plan on fouling all day
2. you are wee!
No, I don't have to foul, I can just box you out to the three point line rendering your height useless.

Quote:did you play at maryland, for the club or whatever?

I used to play with the Bethesda Rugby club but now I hardly play on a regular basis
Quote:No, I don't have to foul, I can just box you out to the three point line rendering your height useless.
i shoot very well from the outside. against you i wont even have to jump to clear my shot. you are wee.
Nobody hits three's consistently, besides you would probablly be center and thus I would render that position completely useless
stop being assholes. you all know you have nothing better to do anyway. just go.
we're not gonna have it at the Hoopzone since it costs a lot of money and if 4 people play, its gonna cost alot and we only have it for an hour. So, we're probably gonna find a place outside somewhere. yup.
i just wanna go to bennigans
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