Full Version: DANCE, MONKEY!
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where is everyone & why aren't you being entertaining :twak:

Dance! :banana: :banana: :banana: Monkies!
I met the dancing banana!!!!!!
On Tax day, APril 15th, there was a free Snapple booth outside of the big Post Office. I guess they were promoting a new flavor and there was a guy in a banana suit. Couldn't get a picture. :22:
i find this entertaining
[Image: a1.JPG]

Your sister is so weird.
im sorry i have nothing better to do :bouncer:
is not :16:
How much weed have you smoked? Those are bananas not monkeys
a lot, but that's not the point Mary

come out come out wherever you are, Monkies!
Mary becomes so much funnier the more you use it :23:
I know, right
If you ever breed it will spell the end for humanity
aren't you the profound one Rolleyes
Could you drive off of a cliff?

I'll give you a dollar
yes, I'll write back on my adventure in a minute, you sit right there & wait :bouncer:
I see you still don't find it necessary to make sense

Maybe you should go away for a few weeks again
ow, my eye :6:
Good morning Ladi.
good morning Suzu

when I went over the cliff I poked myself in the eye with the bowl

didn't drop any though :5:
make sure you collect that dollar, maybe through PayPal?
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