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LunaBabe Wrote:
LZMF1 Wrote:well, the bears are out and about already.

i almost hit one right near waywayanda state park just a few hours ago.

i did hit a cub last year, cute little fucker, not too bright though. i clipped him and the bitch cruising down in the opposite lane killed flattened him.
:disappointed: I think I'll just go and cry now. :disappointed:
i almost did. it was sad. he was a cute little bugger,around 90lbs. he was actually still alive after the woman ran his ass over. i stopped my truck to go check on him and he took his last breath while i was standing over him with my hand on his side. very was almost depressing, luckily the little fucker did no damage to my truck!

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 24 2002 at 1:34
My cousin's husband (cousin-in-law?) hit a deer once, that ran out of the woods into the side of the truck, and it left teeth marks all down the side windows.

Someone else I know, the car in front hit a turkey and it flew up and over and into her sun roof.
Waywayanda huh...15 minutes from me. :fuggin:
Hey Ladi Wrote:My cousin's husband (cousin-in-law?) hit a deer once, that ran out of the woods into the side of the truck, and it left teeth marks all down the side windows.

Someone else I know, the car in front hit a turkey and it flew up and over and into her sun roof.
I was going somewhere with my mom one night and she saw a deer on the side of the road, well...she stopped and the deer got so startled it ran right into the car.
Hey Ladi Wrote:hit a turkey
been there, done that, got a fucking t-shirt.

the turkey did $750 worth of damage to my truck!!!!!!

and that happened a few weeks after the bear cub incident

snuka Waywayanda state park is less than 10 minutes away from me.

small fucking world, grumpy is almost my neighbor. i live in jersey and he's in NY but not far from me
LZMF1 Wrote:Snuka Waywayanda state park is less than 10 minutes away from me.

small fucking world, grumpy is almost my neighbor. i live in jersey and he's in NY but not far from me
You could just put your address here, and all of us in the area will be over for dinner. What kind of beer should we bring?
oh yeah, we're gonna have ourselves a hoe-down! yeehaw!!!!

i prefer bass & guinness, but i'm not picky

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 25 2002 at 11:35 how do you feel now that you know im practically in your neighborhood :burnfucker:

got any kids?
yes i do, and she's off limits for you.

she's only 5 months old. i know you like em young
Quote:oh yeah, we're gonna have ourselves a hoe-down

Are we going to tie down Ladi and Luna??? :bouncer: :bouncer:
Kingpin Wrote:
Quote:oh yeah, we're gonna have ourselves a hoe-down

Are we going to tie down Ladi and Luna??? :bouncer: :bouncer:
Hey its KINGPIN!! Whattuuuuuuuuup bro. Long time no see.

Sure for you we can do problem. Ill help you tie them down then go look for some younger boys.
Hey, you can have the young boys, I'll take the two tied down ho's
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