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What would have made Breuer kill even more would have been the Hokey Pokey. On his CD he talks about AC DC bringing in a special guest...Hetfield. And when he does that...he fuckin nails it. I saw Metallica in 91 at Nassau Coliseum and they tore the place up. I saw them again in 98 at Giants Stadium and I walked out disappointed.
Quote:...i saw them when they opened for ozzy in '86 when the brendan byrne arena (now known as the continental airlines arena) got torn to shreds by the crowd....that was a kick ass show!

So did i. I was 13 and it was my first real concert experience. They fucking killed. Saw them again at Giants Stadium with GNR i think it was 92-93 and they were good but the show wasn't great. The last time i saw them live was for the Black Tour at Continental arena and that show kicked ass. I think they have always been a great live band.
I passed out drunk and stoned at the only metallica show I was ever at. Missed the whole thing. It was the Black tour I think.
the only metallica concert i went to was the orchestra thing at msg. god it sucked
DIG i too saw them on the black tour and that was the last time i ever saw them.....

some little fag sitting next to me was holding his lighter up in the air and waving it during one of those god awful ballads...i left in was fucking metallica not some cheesey 80 hair band with multiple top 40 hits.

hedcold....i wouldn't have even bothered with that shit. :disappointed:
You're all just jealous cause metallica never figured on ending off "sad but true" with ... "BIATCH!!!!"
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