Full Version: In this thread - We at like we are at  Jacks Board
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Quote:are you sure they aren't golf club covers?
i dont get it
:21: :21: :21: :21: :21: :21:
Has anyone seen a ferret??? it was on my chin a second ago...
hey gooch :21:
hey sleepy :21: you having a swell day??? I know i am!
i sure am, just listenin to my god jim morrison :loveya: :loveya:
Quote:are you sure they aren't golf club covers?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
jim morrison is an overrated poet who died fat, bloated and floating in a bathtub. Oh, sorry...i am too CDIH. Let me emasculate myself (CHOP!!!!!!!!!!! SNIP!!!! CHOP!!!!!!)

Jim Morrison is soooooooo deep, man. And sexy too.
Quote:are you sure they aren't golf club covers?

OK, ya got me. Very funny. Meet me at the bar so i can buy you a beer to congratulate teh funney. Oh wait, you can't! :21:
I'm sorry. That last post was very CDIH of me. I take it back. Sleeper, you can sneak into the bar with me any day. Oh, and go Doors, I love France too!!!!
oh you guyyyyyyyyyyyzzzz :21:
golly gee! :39:
...this place sure is swell :thumbs-up:

I am sluggo

I am white and proud and that doesn't make me a racist

No wait

The world is actually ran by the ZOG ( Zionist Organizational Goverment ) with the niggers used as the instruements of Jewish Oppression
Quote:The world is actually ran by the ZOG ( Zionist Organizational Goverment ) with the niggers used as the instruements of Jewish Oppression

Fuckin jews are always involved somehow.
it's how we keep the world safe and free for ourselves, and the gentiles down!
what's this "we" shit?
don't deny your Jew darkside. Come to the Jew darkside.
M.O.T.!! M.O.T!! One of us, gabba goo. One of us, gabba goo. M.O.T.!! M.O.T!!
<div align="center">Gabba gabba we accept you we accept you one of us
Gabba gabba we accept you we accept you one of us

I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for

I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for

Everyone's accusing me

I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
I don't wanna be a pinhead no more I just met a nurse that I could go for
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