Full Version: Just plain disgusted
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Im just flat out sick to death of everything. You ever wake up and just the sight of people pisses you off,hearing them talk about all their inane garbage. Ive been waking up day after day for the past few weeks just always constantly bitter...or depressed.Before just going out and having a few drinks and laughs used to be the cure. Now nothing seems to work.Going out just makes me more depressed or angry. I dunno. Maybe I just need a vacation or some sort of change.
Big help there Danked. Thanx.
think about the happiest moment in your life. keep thinking about it. do it for 20 minutes 4 days a week. don't let anything else distract you for those 20 minutes besides that happy moment. keep doing that and you will feel completely at peace with yourself within 6 months. your welcome.
Or just stab someone in the eye! :thumbs-up:
i vote for the eye stab
not enough positive energy on this board
Sleeper is a girl.
omg hi2me
people, for the most part, suck. try to find humor in their shitty behavior and mock them. it helps.
also realize that your problems are tiny compared to everyone else's and moreso, no one gives a shit about your problems, nor wants to be dragged down by hearing about them, pussy.
Quote:no one gives a shit about your problems, nor wants to be dragged down by hearing about them
actually, i like hearing about how shitty other people's lives are cause it makes me feel better about mine.
try moving to Iraq, i hear their problems are miniscule compared to ours.
I've been feeling the same way as G-Mann. Every where I go, it's people talking about stupid inane bullshit. I hated hearing all this stuff so much that I became even more aware of the things I was saying, and ended up not talking as much to people, keeping shit to myself. It becomes harder for me to just shoot the shit with people, unless they were close friends.
I'll be at work, and I'm really focused on my work from the minute I get in the door. But then there's this girl who works there, and she spends most of the day talking about the most inane shit, just blah blah blah. She got her friend hired recently, and she works behind me, yet she doesnt speak English very well. The two of them speak Polish however, so, now its blah blah blah, but all in a different language.
Anyway, it's just more of the stupid bullshit talking, instead of doing work. I get out of work, and it's stupid people talking on the way home, then it's even bullshit at home, with my mom talking on the phone.
Going out to bars with my bro, I hear more boring crap. And then it all piles up, and I get so aware of what I'm saying.

I dunno, it's prob just me, and not everyone else.
Quote:It becomes harder for me to just shoot the shit with people, unless they were close friends.

Its at the point now where when I do go out with close friends....I just sit there bymyself with my beer, not talking to anyone. Or I just walk away from everybody and play the Mega-Touch game. Nothing makes me smile anymore. Nobody seems like a friend anymore.
... yeah... it gets that way sometimes... I dunno why...
its called puberty. you will get over it.
going out to bars is boring, do stuff outside or take up a new hobby.
Quote:going out to bars is boring
well yeah, sure its boring if you have to stand outside and watch everybody have fun. its alot more fun inside. you will find that out someday. its the puberty thing again.
yea, sitting in a noisy crowded room listening to shitty music and having to yell to people in order to have a decent conversation is totally fun times.
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