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what about horatio sanz? Undecided
Ok, I do know who that is. She definitely has to go despite her fine work with the Upright Citizens Brigade. Much like Andy Dick, she brought us quality programming and now she has to go.
Yes, Horatio Sanz must die.
as long as my sweet tina lives!!
Oh, and not that I neccessarily despise any of them, but at least one of the Jackass crew must die before the whole lot of them fade into obscurity. It's only fitting.
but i like horation sanz :-(
That's so sad.
hes no tina fey
yea, he's actually funny
Funny? Horatio "I laugh at my own jokes so you don't have to" Sanz?

Get the fuck out of here!
when i watch snl, he's the only reason that i do
You should be famous. :25:
Quote:yea, he's actually funny
1. if you are trying to break up with me , i wish you would just say it. that stwice today that you have been hurtful to me.
2. danked is right, the guy laughs at all of his own jokes. he is lame, except for the x-mas song. i liked that.
i'm not trying to break up with you :loveya:
You oughta be in pictures.
Eddie Murphy. Before they have a chance to make a Doctor Doolittle 3 or a Klumps 7 or some sort of similar crap.

Mike Francesa
Roger Clemens
The entire cast of Friends
The entire cast of Dawsons Creek (cept Katie Holmes, great tits)
Dr. Phil
Just about all phony news anchors
All MTV VeeJays
The entire cast of MTV Real World Los Angeles
anyone who was ever on the real world, road rules, or or any of those awful spin off shows they have on now

mmmmm, but johnny knoxvile :loveya:
Yes, excellent suggestion... he should be the one to die.
By placing him in your sig, you too shall fall when I wipe Horatio Sanz from the face of the earth. :35:
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