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This is the gayest "I'm gonna' be mean and prove I have a set" thread I've ever read.
Gimmick thief!
i'm sorry

especially that you missed my jack joke :-(
I am sorry too. lets not fight like that again. it hurts too much
im still trying to figure out how Arpi was imitating Alkey
Quote:I am sorry too. lets not fight like that again. it hurts too much
agreed :21: :21:
you bastard!
fucking rump wranglers :disappointed:
Arpi's imitating me right now in his apartment. I can feel it.

He's grabbing his left ear and pulling it really far from his head. That bastard...

wait until he pulls out his irish alkey voodoo doll....then you'll be in for it, mistar
Quote:This is the gayest "I'm gonna' be mean and prove I have a set" thread I've ever read.

Your input, while usually somewhat funny, means nothing to me.

And besides.... I got people to start fucking posting again. :21:

This board has been dead. Dead I tell you.
don't fucking tell me you're still gonna be nice
It's still dead.
Shut up. Go play with your own board.

Bastard. Confusedneak:
i say the same to you.

The best there is.. The best there was.. And the best there ever will be.

Don't question me. I am an Administrator

Posts: 3888

Chillin out maxin relaxin all cool, shootin some b-ball outside the school.

Joined: July 2002
Group: Administrator <-------

This is my board. I share it with Gonzo.
you still need pussy.
just stay away from the fatties or Galt will take offense
didnt you do the whole angry gimmick already? it was lame the first time......and second......this is at least the third time.
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