Full Version: the pizza club
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i'm fond of pizza
so i made a club :thumbs-up:
i am part of the clean plate club. can we merge?
mine is more a private club
i love pizza also!
i ate pizza off my plate and liked it. does that count?
you can make your own pizza club
I'm forming a pizza bagel club!!! :5:

Open to all.
thats 3 times you have been hurtful today. i dont think our friendship can recover from your anger and nasty words
i guess theres room for one more in my pizza club :thumbs-up:
you can be the chairman of the plates tables, and chairs
forget it! harumph!
who uses plates to eat pizza anyway :23:
this pizza club sucks! its full of meanness and selfish anger. my pizza club is full of joy and good times!
your club is scared of a little grease
bunch of women
Will we be using fresh garlic or the powdered crap?

I don't just randomly join any old pizza club. Pffftt...
we life to focus on the finer parts of pizza and not cover it up with foreign substances
What kinda' homo club are you running?
we (I) don't take kindly to outsiders bashing us
Choke on an olive.
as if the pizza clubs condones putting olives on pizza :23:
I really fucking hate this club.
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