Full Version: Cult Awareness Week - The Church of Jim Morrison
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For Starters

I make this thread with a heavy heart. Although Jacks experimentation with the doors board may seem innocent enough, the exacerbating of the fanatical reaction of the cult and the encouraging of a cult phobia among the doors board members,these cultists helped to precipitate mass tragedies like Jonestown, Waco, and the Heaven's gate.

It is safe to assume that Jack is no longer capable of carrying on a genuine conversation, He is completely mired in an unthinking, unfeeling and uncomprehending state.

What does a person do??

I don't know

Suggestions welcome
Stab yourself, violently and forcefully, in the eye.
in all honesty, i dont think jack has the proper tempermant to be an admin/mod. i think he should step down or relegate himself just to coding. i mean this from the bottom of my heart. i am sure he is a swell guy but he is too insecure for the job.
as if randoming cellings isn't the pinnacle of hilarity
We have to stop them before they decide to spike the Kool-Aid
He's ready to snap.

I refuse to donate anymore cash until he'ss tripped of his power. Who knows what stocks he's investing my money in... A&P, FoodTown, Wendy's...
it's the power it goes to their heads

I am Jack's naked internet pictures