Full Version: ok people - i have to get ready for work
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.... no, you're not retarded. And you not a lil "touched in the head", and you have never had a concussion. Nor are you a Navy seal, a counter-terrorist, a terrorist, a criminal, a serial killer, or an auto theif. You are just an average nobody.
id say, a less than average nobody.
So... Subzero basically.
.... yeah, I was re-thinking the word "average". I was also re-thinking the word "nobody" as it was a lil too gentle....
Quote:you have never had a concussion

Wish that was true. I've had 6.

Quote:Nor are you a Navy seal, a counter-terrorist, a terrorist, a criminal, a serial killer, or an auto thief.

Never claimed to be any of the above.

Quote:You are just an average nobody.

hello brett lindros, welcome to the board
Quote:Never claimed to be any of the above.

... No, but you are delusional, and I just wanted to make sure that you knew a few of the realities regarding your life...
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