Full Version: Whats going on.... - Why is everyone in jail
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Did i miss something why are like 10 people in the cell.
Thats not cool locking people up for no reason.
what where there crimes.
ask tricia
look at this....all the white folk in jail and the darkie left to run amok.....this must be the bizarro world
some questions are best left unanswered.
I wish all the white people did get locked up for one day.... then i wouldn't have to duct tape them
when i rob their houses.... but why didn't strokey get locked up he's a dick
i think itz just that time of the month
ask the 32, its all his fault
I made the best of it. :29:
this is all you did fag.... :moonie:
You're used to seeing that side of a guy, ain'tcha'.