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what is everyone doing for the weekend? any big plans?
:fuggin: nope

still going to try & see the Matrix

otherwise, I'm hoping to do as little as possible all day
seems to be working
had breakfast, read the paper, made a phone call ... that's about it so far
now I'm gonna work on a tattoo
softball tourney in trenton tommorow
but from the sound of the weather report that will be effed
so my day looks to be free

sunday 2 softball games in the mornin
go home and do laundry for 4 hours
2 more softball games

very exciting i know :5:
do some work...Damn, it might get you out of here
Quote:very exciting i know
well, actually :10:

i didn't do anything to get in here, so I'm not going to do anything to get out
it'll happen if it's meant to
Quote:it'll happen if it's meant to
i wouldn't leave fate in anyonez handz around here
they would just get it all sticky
yeah, like what happens when yah eat cotton candy