Full Version: Alright, this has nothing to do with Arpi's poll..
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Vote if you think I should stay here or if I should leave.

This has nothing to do with Arpi's mod vote.

I just wanna' see where I stand with the rest of the board.
I love you, you know this, MAN!!!
Alkey stays.

It's a shutout so far!

I wish ants would come around more often, I have no one to discuss boxing with :24:
Quote:This has nothing to do with Arpi's mod vote
Then why bring it up?
Ants knows a lot about boxes.
Quote:I wish ants would come around more often, I have no one to discuss boxing with
On June 7th, I will be glued to my television, yelling to whoever will listen.

And the shutout remains (4-0 and counting). :5:
Quote:Then why bring it up?

Because I closed his old vote which was about him staying or going but it was based on people choosing arpi for mod or him leaving, so he started a new one which had nothing to do with arpis vote.

jeez.. talk about leaving a little mystery in things. Rolleyes
You ask me questions all night and then get pissed when I answer you.

One day I shant answer you ever again and then we will see how much you cry!!!!!!
I don't think you shant... should ever talk to him again.
I still like weird :loveya:

who the Hell ruined alkeys shut out!!!!!
galt, have you started posting on jack's board?
I heard Galts reasoning, comparing it to george washingtons vote for president and such.

But how can you compare washington to alkey...
...i voted to get rid of him.... i didn't want Galt to feel like he was the only one who voted that way...