Full Version: You say it wrong
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Quote:There is. I admitted I was wrong and it's just a pet peeve. Btw, IMO means "in my opinion".

A motor is, by definition, anything that turns energy into motion. So, again, I'm wrong. Happy?

Actually, sorry.. i didn't know what IMO was so I thought it was something else.. sorry for grilling you on motors..

I understand though..
It's color, Tricia...

And favorite.

Welcome to America.
You guys just make it up to annoy us yanks. All those extra U's.
no, you people just got lazy
We won the war, bitch. Part of the treaty was that we own the language and we choose to drop the "u"
don't forget about "flavor" also.
then stop calling it english. it's american.
don't forget Aluminum.
say it with me, it's fun
That [i] has no business being in that word.
say it out loud, aluminium is much more fun than aluminum
affect for action
effect for using the wrong word when you write you ediot.
it sounds like what you would call fake aluminum.
Damn it.. just call tin foil.. :18:
using 'z' instead of 's' = :6:
for The Saint

Quote:Status: Awaiting Authorisation

apparently with an s and z is both just looks weird with an s

Edited By HedCold on 1053461683
Quote:There's no such thing as a fridgerator

what about fridgadare?
that is a brand
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